15 Dec 2009

中医治疗足跟痛 朱立信中医硕士 新加坡狮城健康报2009年12/1月/10年



图片中可能有:Chang Boon Loong、文本

15 Nov 2009

中医治疗腕管综合征 朱立信中医硕士 新加坡狮城健康报2009年11/12月



图片中可能有:Chang Boon Loong、文本

15 Oct 2009

Managing Alopecia with TCM and Acupuncture by Dr. Choo Led Sin

Managing Alopecia with TCM and Acupuncture

by Dr. Choo Led Sin

Complementary Therapy Health Magazine 2009, Vol.2, Issue 5, pg. 54-56

Date: 2009.10.15

图片中可能有:Chang Boon Loong、文本

13 Oct 2009

What is Qi?

What is Qi?

The Chinese concept of Qi Energy is not easily translated into western thought or language. It has been defined as ‘vital energy’, ‘air, breath or steam energy’, ‘life force’, and ‘living essence’. Qi is all of these and none of them. “It is that which differentiates life from death, inanimate from animate.
To live is to have Qi in every part of your body. To die is to be a body without Qi. To maintain vitality and a healthy Qi balance within their bodies, people from all over the world, take part in daily exercises that are designed to enhance the flow of Qi through the meridians of the body. These exercises have been developed over thousands of years, as people slowly observed that Qi circulation affected their health. As a result of this observation, they attempted to improve this circulation by developing forms or exercises such as Tai Chi and Qi Gong.
 The core meaning of Qi Gong, is to ‘manipulate the vital energy’, and the term refers to an ancient practice, crucial to the development of Chinese medicine”In ancient China, people had very little knowledge of electricity. They only knew from acupuncture that when a needle was inserted into the acupuncture cavities, some kind of energy other than heat was produced which often caused a shocking or a tickling sensation. It was not until the last few decades, when the Chinese people were more acquainted with electromagnetic science, that they began to recognize that this energy circulating in the body, which they called Qi, might be the same thing as what today’s science calls “bioelectricity.”

We must look at what modern Western science has discovered about bioelectromagnetic energy. Many bioelectricity related reports have been published, and frequently the results are closely related to what is experienced in Chinese Qigong training and medical science. Countless experiments have been conducted in China, Japan, and other countries to study how external magnetic or electrical fields can affect and adjust the body’s Qi field. Every atom, molecule, and cell is an electric unit of a electromagnetic field on its own.
This means that the human body as whole is an electric unit, engulfed by an electromagnetic field. The spectrum of this field extends up to 20 off skin surface like an oval shaped balloon.
It reflects the physiological functions of the body organs, as every organ electromagnetic field shares in the formation of the whole field around the body.
It registers as healthy and normal when the body is healthy and as abnormal in case of disease.More and more scientific evident show that, the Chinese manuscripts dating back thousands of years describe the Eastern belief that the life force, termed “Qi”, is generated by the earth’s magnetic field and we can also conclude that “Qi” is equivalent to “Bio-Electromagnetic energy” (BioEM energy).

15 Sept 2009

中医治疗肩周炎 朱立信中医硕士 新加坡狮城健康报2009年9/10月



图片中可能有:Chang Boon Loong、文本

15 Aug 2009

中医治疗骨质疏松症 朱立信中医硕士 新加坡狮城健康报2009年8/9月



图片中可能有:Chang Boon Loong、文本

15 Mar 2009

中医治疗膝关节骨性关节炎(下) 朱立信中医硕士 新加坡狮城健康报2009年3/4月



图片中可能有:Chang Boon Loong、文本

Managing Alopecia with TCM and Acupuncture by Dr. Choo Led Sin

Managing Alopecia with TCM and Acupuncture

by Dr. Choo Led Sin

Complementary Therapy Health Magazine 2009, Vol.2, Issue 2, pg. 60-64

Date: 2009.03.15

图片中可能有:Chang Boon Loong、文本

1 Feb 2009

2009.02 中医治疗膝关节骨性关节炎(上)朱立信



图片中可能有:1 位用户、文本

图片中可能有:Chang Boon Loong、文本

15 Jan 2009

中医治疗肥胖症 朱立信中医硕士 新加坡狮城健康报2009年1/2月



图片中可能有:Chang Boon Loong、文本

TCM and food, An Eastern Perspective by Dr. Choo Led Sin

TCM and food, An Eastern Perspective

by Dr. Choo Led Sin

Complementary Therapy Health Magazine 2009, Vol.2, Issue 1, pg. 24-27

Date: 2009.01.15

图片中可能有:Chang Boon Loong、文本