Our team of physicians and other medical professionals are devoted exclusively to enhancing the health of individuals attending the CHOO LED SIN CLINIC. We are dedicated to improving the quality of life for our patients by providing complementary and integrative medical treatment. The medical practices of the Clinic are based on continuous research and technology. Our mission is to transform lives, one patient at a time.

Dr. CHOO LED SIN, PhD, Reg. TCM Acupuncturist
PhD Degree from Hunan University of Chinese Medicine
Master's Degree from Anhui University of Chinese Medicine
TCM Degree from Institute of Chinese Medical Studies
Appointment 现任职务
1. 世界中医药学会联合会中医诊断专业委员会副会长
Vice Chairman of TCM Diagnosis Specialty Committee of World
2. 世界手法医学联合会常务副主席
Vice Chairman of The World Manipulative Medical Association
3. 世界脊柱健康联盟副主席
Vice Chairman of the World Spinal Health Association
4. 国际扶阳养生学会副会长
Vice Chairman of the International Fu Yang Health Association
5. 世界脊柱健康联盟新加坡国家总会主席
President of the World Spinal Health Association of Singapore
6. 新加坡手法医学研究会主席
Chairman of Singapore Association of Manipulative Medicine
7. 新加坡扶阳养生学会会长
President of Fu Yang Health Association (Singapore)
Consultant 顾问
1. 新加坡冈州会馆医药顾问
Medical Consultant of Singapore Kong Chow Wui Koon
2. 马来西亚吉隆坡大马针灸骨伤中医学院学术顾问
Academic Consultant of Tama Acupuncture Academy of Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
3. 马来西亚槟城中华中医学院学术顾问
Academic Consultant of TCM Training Centre of Penang Malaysia
4. 马来西亚马六甲古城传统中医研究会学术顾问
Academic Consultant of Malacca Traditional Chinese Medicine Research Society Malaysia
5. 马来西亚中医扶阳疗法研究院首席顾问
Chief Consultant of Malaysia Fu Yang TCM Research Centre
6. 全日本整体手法联合总会终身荣誉顾问
Life Honorary Consultant of Japan Holistic Manipulative Therapy Association
7. 日本木次整体整脊学院终身荣誉顾问
Life Honorary Consultant of Japan Spinal Manipulation Academy
8. 印度尼西亚中医协会雅加达中医学院学术顾问
Academic Consultant of Indonesia Chinese Medicine Society Jakarta TCM College
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